This is the most frustrating part about cataracts―there’s no real definite cause. In most cases, cataracts are simply a part of the aging process. As you get older, your chances of developing cataracts increases. However, while there are no exact cause of cataracts, there are several risk factors:
- A family history of cataracts
- Certain diseases, such as diabetes.
- Long-term exposure to UV rays and excessive sunlight
- Eye injuries or diseases
- Unhealthy eating habits and smoking
The patient is usually the first person to notice a cataract, because the first sign is often difficulty with vision. For example, street signs are difficult to read or require close inspection to decipher. sometimes glare at night and difficulty with night vision is a prominent complaint.
Some cataract patients notice increased daytime glare similar to a dirty windshield when driving west in the afternoon sunshine.To an ophthalmologist, the most common age-related type of cataract looks a lot like a dirty brown marble inside the eye. After surgery on one eye, it is not surprising that many patients remark about the bright vivid colors in the treated eye and the dim, brown, hazy vision in the other eye that still contains a cataract. Dr Khalil using a slit lamp microscope can evaluate cataracts during the office examination.
You and Dr Khalil must work together. If cataract progress is rapid, don’t wait for cataract surgery. But, if your vision is still quite good, you may not need cataract surgery immediately. You need to continue to visit Dr Khalil regularly. You should know that some cataracts never really reach the stage where they should be removed.
With cataract the best time for surgery is individual. Think about how cataract affect on your life. If cataract don’t bother you a lot, you can wait some time for surgery. Think about surgery when your cataracts have progressed enough to seriously impair your vision. If cataract have significant effect on your daily activates, you should have cataract surgery soon as possible.
In some cases a cataract should be removed even if it doesn’t cause major problems with vision but interfere with diabetic retinopathy or retinal detachment or some other eye problems. If you have cataract in both eyes, you will have two separate surgeries.
Before Surgery:
To determine if your cataract should be removed, Dr Khalil will perform a thorough eye examination. Before surgery, your eye will be measured to determine the proper power of the intraocular lens that will be placed in your eye. Ask Dr Khalil if you should continue taking your usual medications before surgery. You should make arrangements to have someone drive you home after surgery.
the Day of Surgery
Dr Khalil will do your cataract surgerryon an outpatient basis, in an outpatient surgical center, usually in the morning. You will be asked to skip breakfast. When you arrive for surgery, eye drops will be instilled in your eye, and a mild sedative will be fiven to help you relax and not feel any discomfort, even that that might be caused by the local anesthesia.
A local anesthetic will numb your eye and you may be given a small injection to help you feel comfortable during surgery. The skin around your eye will be thoroughly cleansed, and sterile coverings will be placed around your head. Your eye will be kept open by an eyelid speculum. You may see light and movement, but you will not be able to see the surgery while it is happening. Under an operating microscope, Dr Khalil will make a small incision in the eye. Tiny surgical instruments are used to break apart and remove the cloudy lens from the eye. The back membrane of the lens (called the posterior capsule) is left in place.
A plastic, acrylic intraocular lens is implanted in the eye to replace the natural lens that was removed.
After surgery is completed, Dr Khalil will place a shield over your eye. After a short stay in the outpatient recovery area, you will be ready to go home.
Following Surgery:
You will need to:
• Use the eye drops as prescribed
• Be careful not to rub or press on your eye
• Avoid strenuous activities until Dr Khalil tells you to resume them
• Ask Dr Khalil when you can begin driving
• Wear eyeglasses or an eye shield, as advised by Dr Khalil. You can continue most normal daily activities. Over-the-counter pain medicine may be used, if necessary.
As you know, all surgeries carry some risk. With respect to cataract surgery, there is always a possibility that a complication might arise during or after surgery. We always explain these risks before you decide to have surgery.
Topical or local anesthesia is the norm in most of the cases.
Eye of Cairo Clinic Services
We offer a wide range of eye care procedures

Comprehensive Eye Consultation

Modern Cataract Surgery

Glaucoma and its Surgery

Congenital Glaucoma

Laser Vision Correction

ICL Implantation

Keratoconus and Corneal Ectasia

Keratoplasty, Corneal Transplantation

Laser Treatment of the retina

Anti-VEGF Intravitreal Injections